From our langage to yours, the strength in our soul is the music that plys within it

Monday 18 April 2011

Pokemon Lake

Well, yesterday my laptop broke so I had to use the local library but while on the internet scrolling down the pokemon websites, i noticed somthin sayin pokemon lake so as usual i go on it. But its like an online game but it is actually one of the best online pokemon games. You get a starter,travel on maps, battle against others. but after a while you get to do more stuff, beat more gym leaders. Its great but i dont know how to explain it so here is a link to the home page. you will need an e-mail. not to comfirm the account but just in case you forget your password. Try it yourself. as i said, its pretty good!


1 comment:

  1. sounds fun! i might check it out later when i have more time :) ttyl!



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